Cleavage – Rejuvenation (hyaluronic fillers)

Cleavage - Rejuvenation

Hyaluronic fillers for cleavage wrinkles

As with your face, the skin of your cleavage changes and loses elasticity with age. Sleeping additionally on your side can also slowly produce vertical wrinkles. With a treatment of crosslinked hyaluronic acid, the cleavage can be rehydrated giving this thinning skin more volume. Potentially, transplanted own-fat or platelet-rich plasma therapy are alternative treatments.

Cleavage skin rejuvenation

Dekolletee Falten

To “rejuvenate” the cleavage, thin hyaluronic acid-based filler is injected punctiform into the skin. This treatment is relatively pain-free if combined with an anesthetic ointment. Treatment should then be repeated two times at intervals of approximately six weeks to achieve optimal results.

Due to the many punctures necessary to treat this area, several hematoma (bruises) can appear. The skin’s appearance will improve once the bruising disappears. Therefore, these treatments should be conducted several weeks prior to “presenting” your cleavage.

Adding volume to the neckline

Rejuvenating the cleavage of someone over 50 can be done by relining the skin with larger volumes of a durable body-forming hyaluronic acid-based filler. As opposed to treating single cleavage wrinkles, the entire area above and between the breasts is then plumped.

Wrinkle creams?

Principally, anti-wrinkle creams do not have a long-term wrinkle reducing effect. Volumizing hyaluronic acid cannot be creamed into and absorbed by the skin. The stable hyaluronic acid that is necessary for long durability has such large molecules that it can only be injected into the skin.

Alternatively, medical needling is recommended for a treatment of small cleavage wrinkles.

Cost of a cleavage treatment

The cost of treatment, which has to be repeated several times, mostly at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks, is the result of all treatments together. The cost for a single treatment depends on the material used and is approximately 500 Euro* including VAT. Here you will find all of our prices for hyaluronic acid-based fillers.

*The price is individual and according to the GOÄ.

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